Spim 2008

Skin physiology international meeting


University Registered Students
UMR 5165 CNRS-UPS – CHU PURPAN – Toulouse Dr Véronique ADOUE
URBC – Belgique Dr Florence DEBACQ-CHAINIAUX
Faculté de Médecine et Pharmacie – Besançon François GRANDMOTTET
Laboratoire Inflammation, EA 4331 – Poitiers Emmanuel GUIGNOUARD
CEA – DSV – IRCM – SCSR - Evry L’Emira Ghida HARFOUCHE
UPRES EA 27-10 - iRSN/IGR – Villejuif Dr Valérie HAYDONT
UFR Paris VII Baptiste JANELA
PhD Biologie et Pharmacologie cutanées – Paris Dr Muriel LIBOUTET
Laboratoire de Génomique – Evry Dr Nouzha SALAH-MOHELLIBI
IGR/CNRS FRE2939 – Paris Alexandre VALIN


Vascular medicine, Conference Lecturer at the Medicine University of Paris VI Dr Philippe BLANCHEMAISON
Dermatology Department, Avicenne Hospital & University Paris 13 Prof. Frederic CAUX
Coty/Lancaster SAM, International R&D Center, Monaco Dr Louis FERRERO
CNRS Research Director at LBTI, UMR5305 CNRS-UL1, Lyon Dr Marek HAFTEK
Inserm UMR 645, IFR 133, UFR Médecine-Pharmacie, Besançon Prof. Philippe HUMBERT
Dermopharmacology & Cosmetology Unit University of Paris Sud – Paris Saclay Pharmacy University Dr Christine LAFFORGUE
University of Angers, Dermatology Department UMR CNRS 6214/INSERM 771, CHU Angers Hospital Prof. Ludovic MARTIN
UPRES-EA 4331, Inflammation Laboratory, Epithelial & Cytokines Tissue, CHU of Poitiers Dr Franck MOREL
INSERM U979, Langevin Institute Paris Dr Mickaël TANTER
INSERM U911 CRO2/LIMP, Marseille Dr Patrick VERRANDO

Lauréats 2008

Ms l’Emira Guida HARFOUCHE | Mr Jean Baptiste JANELA | Ms Florence DEBACK-CHAINIAUX


Greentech Awards

The scientific committee selected the « Best Junior Scientist 2008 » award among the nine young researchers preparing a PhD or are working in post-PhD nominated and invited to present their results to scientists and industrials coming from the dermatology and cosmetic worlds.
Two young and expert scientists were really impressive, so the grant of 15,000 € was transformed into two grants! Ms l’Emira Guida HARFOUCHE, a junior researcher from Lebanon who works at CEA Evry – France shared the grant of €20,000 with a junior PhD Student from INSERM Rouen – France, Mr Jean Baptiste JANELA.


Emira Guida HARFOUCHE:

« Induction of autocrine FGF2 signalling is critical for DNA repair in human epidermis stem cells ».


Jean Baptiste JANELA:

« Study of the role of the T lymphocytes during the drug hypersensitivity syndrome ».


Also, all participants have voted and selected the “Best SPIM poster 2008”, among all the posters exhibited during the SPIM and presenting a particular topic related to research in skin physiology. Dr Florence DEBACK-CHAINIAUX’s poster (URBC – Belgium) was selected by all participants and received the grant of €4,000. Florence DEBACK-CHAINIAUX:  » Role of MMP-2 expression in premature sevescence by UVB « .



« Role of MMP-2 expression in premature sevescence by UVB ».


– The skin, its constituents, their functions
– The skin exposed to radiations
– Stem Cells, new targets to research
– Pathologies ans better knowledge of the skin
– Relationship of skin and other organs
– Investigation methods


The first day was fulfilled with various lectures from experts of skin physiology and young scientists, participating in the Greentech awards. To relax all participants, after the last sessions, everybody enjoyed an exposition of Bernard PRAS, a famous French artist who dedicated an artwork book to each participant.

His images are a creative mixture of different techniques of composition and photography, resulting in a singular and very interesting artwork. His work is the fruit of an interaction between imagination and manipulation, with a kind of probable jubilation when an object determines itself to be created.

Finally, the night program continued with a cocktail followed by the gala dinner, animated by a magician, who allowed participants to interact and to enjoy the dinner.